How are we changing the face of private equity?? By…

  • Sensing business markets’ unanswered needs which can be served through innovative application of technology and services. As an example, we determined that all enterprises in the global marketplace are facing the critical challenge of reducing their risk, whether regulatory, competitive, security, or other business risks. In response, we acquired solution companies and invested in the development of sophisticated components, wrapped in a services platform which provides a comprehensive capability to detect, control and respond to all manners of risk in the corporate world.

  • Understanding how existing portfolio solution components and capabilities can be transformed to serve previously untargeted/unidentified markets. For example, we quickly understood that the big data, forensic investigations solution our portfolio offered could be applied directly to the financial services marketplace to ensure regulatory compliance.

  • Anticipating trends in disruptive technologies which can be harnessed to provide unforeseen client value. This has been particularly true in cloud technology, for example. Our partners anticipated that cloud infrastructure would soon evolve into a demand for cloud-based applications, which clients can access to implement enterprise applications, thus freeing them of custom developed applications or packaged solutions that rarely are ‘right sized’ for their current or future needs.

  • Developing sophisticated business solutions which achieve high-value, measurable, and competitive business advantage for our portfolio’s clients. As a result, our investments accomplish meaningful cost savings, increased marketshare, top line growth, increased competitiveness, or de-risked business execution to yield outcomes for clients. These outcomes are not measured in commodity terms, they are measured in business value terms, which generates premium valuation multiples in our portfolio investments.

  • Adding value and vision to our portfolio, using our Partners’ uncommon blend of investment, management, operations, and technology experience. Our partners have a hands-on involvement in every one of our portfolio companies, by actively serving in operating and strategic roles for each company, not just by mere oversight roles. This strategy leverages our past experience, keeps our fingers on the pulse of our investments, and helps ensure we cross-fertilize the capabilities of all our investments to offer best of breed solutions which ensure maximum client wallet share and return on investment.

  • Integrating our portfolio investments’ unique offerings into high value/high demand solution platforms for our portfolio’s target clients. We intentionally seek investments which allow us to continuously enhance and improve our portfolio’s ability to address complex client business problems. We do not silo our investments and operate them as individual or standalone investments; we believe in a keiretsu model within our investment portfolio which brings to bear all of our companies’ capabilities to deliver unique, comprehensive and high value solution platforms to the market. This strategy ensures that we are maximizing the leverage of our investments, creating value in business solutions that single or standalone companies cannot develop, and it ensures that we are inspiring innovative thinking and fresh ideas across our entire portfolio to keep our investments viable and aggressive in a fast-paced business world.

  • Future-proofing our investments by building our portfolio to meet the ever changing market landscape of the clients our portfolio companies target. We do this by investing in services and intellectual property companies with scalable, extensible and interoperable capabilities which can continuously evolve to solve as of yet unforeseen business challenges. Our investment thesis is to think a step ahead of the market while maintaining relevance to current market needs.